Week 1

Introduction (Pages 33 - 35)

Introduction: 1968 - The Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Photos

Week 1 Questions

Question 1

Consider the following three factors comparatively: St. John Bosco lived such a public life that his virtues were evident to many. Because of the very private life of St. Therese, her life and virtues became known only through the publication of her works.

If Msgr. John had not become “awed by her eminent virtues” and inspired to hear and investigate details of her life and very importantly take the famous pictures of Dona Lucilia, is it not worrisome to think of how she would have become known to us?

Question 2

I’m wondering what Dona Lucilia thought of this young man.  Did she know him very well before this encounter? She might have considered his request to take the photographs as not an entirely unpleasant ripple in her routine, but it must have caused her some inconvenience – getting ready.  It was not long before her death, so the whole process was probably tiring and uncomfortable.

Was this maybe one of the finest examples of what Msgr. John observed as her “overflowing kindness?” 

Question 3

Are there any questions or thoughts that the introduction to this book has brought to your mind regarding the challenge of being a Counter-Revolutionary lady in the 21st century?

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